Sunday, December 30, 2007


I am looking forward to 2008. The past year was full of many challenges. There were times when I thought it was too much to handle. My spirit has since been re-awakened, it has a lot to do with helping others. I had many reasons to feel self-pity and doubt in myself. However, I know that the challenges I face have been met by many others.

I feel blessed in the fact that I was able to recover and have been able to assist in bring resources to the aid of others, who are facing similar and more distressful challenges than I have. I believe my optimism comes from the deep abiding faith I have in my creator. I know that I have a lot of maturing to do in many areas. and know that my spiritual growth continues. However, I know that the future will hold whatever I will desire it to be.

I know that 2008 will be great! When I reflect on the society we live in, and how many problems we face as a people. I realize that we each must try to make a difference in making this better. We really don't have much time to sulk, gloat, worry, or stress. We all must be in the business of making repairs. The miracle most of us are waiting for has its seed firmly planted within our grasp. We must be about the process of making the ground (us) a good place for it to grow.

I am learning that I must spend my time again as I have in the past, helping others. We seem to minimize our impact on events in our society, and don't realize the implications of,' what would have happened if I didn't get involved'? We all have to see the greater vision of what will happen if we do? Together, I believe we can make 2008 "the best year ever".

The universe is seeking your attention may it greet you with wealth, happiness, health and a sense of purpose that will spill over into the life of all you encounter, bringing blessing to them as well as you!

Be Blessed. Brad

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