Friday, June 20, 2008


06/18/08 06:01 PM 0 comments 19 views
People seem to find the most pleasure or pain in their everyday lives, while discussing or engaging themselves, in issues concerning these three areas, some have suggested. You may have been very distressed recently, upon hearing of the sad news of Tim Russerts passing (A political Icon). You may have been excited to have heard of the Boston Celtics recent win of the NBA championship, or not. Love, well you know pain, pleasure, emotional breakdowns and all the rest. Where is the true peace and happiness found. I am trying to find the answer to this question before I take my summer vacation. What to do? How can I find the answer. I have been wondering If the answer is in this three card monty of choices I referred to. I believe most people are in search of true peace and contentment. We seem to find them in many places. I will be at a lost without Tim giving me the real scoop on Meet The Press. I will also miss my Games now that the NBA is on wraps for the summer. Well that at least leaves love. The pain, pleasure, emotions and happiness that it brings. Let me know If you have some ideas. Peace

Yes We Can! Looking at Me

I believe that if given an opportunity our society can make it. There are a lot of signs in the air that may cause many to become concerned and weary regarding our future. It is during times like these that we need to be more encouraging and helpful towards one another. We must find opportunities to assist those who are struggling. It may be as simple as inviting a friend out to dinner that is not doing to well. You may give a friend or associate that tie or blouse that is still nice but you don't seem to favor anymore.

The road to healing often begins with ones own diagnosis. I so often hear people say it won't matter if I vote. People seem to think that other people are involved in an important activity like politics or environmental issues and believe that their participation does not matter. I realize that many people are experiencing hard times in our nation at present. There are economic pressures and concerns with events at home and aboard, being negative almost seem to be expected.

However, must look towards the bigger picture. No matter how far away it seems from us at present. Today, we need to take inventory of ourselves and see what resources we bring to the table. The creator has placed great talents in all of us. It sometimes takes great challenges to bring them out. As I stated earlier, Yes we can!