Saturday, February 23, 2008



The power of knowledge is something that has been sought since the beginning of time. It has divided nations and has lead nations into war. It has caused people to claim peoples inventions and to call it there own. It has built the pyramids and created science that has outlived the inquisitive minds that has created them. Some say Hippocrates was the father of medicine, but now the undeniable evidence is revealed that Imhotep is truly the father of medicine; the science of healing the human body. Unfortunately, the true revelation of knowledge has not been revealed to the masses in our society.

I had to wonder why these divisive issues that cause so much pain and hardships, continue to exist? Why is knowledge hidden from the masses? Why is knowledge so unfairly shared between the races in this society?

It was recently reported that the No Child Left Behind Act was directly linked to drop out rates in the Texas school district that the programs paradigm was based on. It was found that only 33% of students graduated, in the 5 year study of the NCLB program according to researchers at Rice University and the University of Texas-Austin. The study found that 60% of African Americans, 75% of Latinos and 80% of ESL (English as a Second Language) students failed to graduate. The trend has been that as more students are dropping out, it was beneficial to the school districts, as it would reduce their liabilities associated with having underachieving students in their schools. The schools are facing low school ratings and not being in compliance with the No Child Left Behind measuring requirements.

It is difficult to believe that minority students do not choose to learn. It has to be deeper societal issues at work which account for such a disparity in numbers between the races, when measuring graduation rates. The numbers are worst when you measure incarceration rates. African Americans are currently 8 % of the population in America. African Americans make up almost half of the 2.2 million prisoners in Americas prison system. In 1964 Americas prisons was mostly populated by white men. Since 1988 Blacks have been incarcerated in numbers disproportionably higher to all races in this country on a very profound level. All statistical indicators reveal that this outcome has to be reversed by political leadership, and a societal push from the masses as was evident during the Civil Rights movement.

Although Barack Obama has tread new ground in changing America’s perception of the African American Man in this society, there is a long history of negative images and distorted views of black men being the norm in our society. The old days of Willie Horton politics are not so long behind us. And Iowa while leading the way in the 2008 primary season by showing America that it was open to electing an African American Man to the highest elected office in this land; it has a lot of work to do it correcting the disparity of incarceration of African Americans in the state. While African Americans make up only 2% of the states population, African Americans make up nearly 20% of the states prison population.

I really don’t want to get too caught up in a numbers game in trying to express the concerns that Americans see for themselves when looking at the state of our union today. The truth is that this time in our history, is very important in determining how well we will do as a society. There are many crucial issues at hand and we must remember that if we don’t put knowledge, wisdom and the understanding, of the value of all humans being on this planet, at the forefront of our future planning, we will be facing insurmountable challenges going forward.


As previously stated things must change in order for this society to advance. We must focus on education, equality, an opportunity in order to rebuild the potential and dreams that can be realized for all in this nation. The American spirit is released in the face of opportunities. We must close a prison a day and build a college a day. We must start educating the next generation of engineers, doctors, scientist, and inventors today. I know that it began for me in my first experience with college. The doors were open and I wanted to walk into the world that provided many possibilities.

I remember when I was able to attend the NAACP Legal Defense Fund program and met with the First African American Mayor of New York City,

Mayor David Dinkins. I attended Bronx Community College and it opened many doors for me in my path towards knowledge and opportunity. I believe the opportunities that this institution provides to those that have the opportunity to attend, are immeasurable. I just don’t believe that enough people, who truly can be benefiting from the knowledge, and resources that is there, are presented with the opportunities, to take advantage of them. Meeting the Mayor and legendary figures like Dr. Roscoe Brown ( Tuskegee Airman) and professors like Dr. Gerald Leiblich has others has shown me that the pursuit of knowledge can lead to many places.

Like college professors who have the opportunities to broaden their base of knowledge in pursuing their science. As citizens of this society, we owe it to ourselves and to our children to create a society were we are in touch with our culture, spirituality, and history. We cannot afford to lose our ability to shape and manifest our future.


Without having the benefit of parents with many resources and having lost my mother before attending any college, I had to struggle to get through school. The struggle included budget cuts, not having all my books in a timely manner and lots of other issues. However, my pursuit of knowledge took me too many places; I did not envision being when I first decided to attend college.

We met with Mrs. Coretta Scott King in Atlanta during King Week. I met with many college representatives from all states in America in a conference in California at the United Students Association. I met the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton. I can name many more celebrities and political figures that I have encountered along the way. The power of knowledge has given us Sen.Barack Obama today and men like Louis Latimer who drew the plans for Con Edison’s inventions. And Knowledge gave us Benjamin Banniker and Dr. Charles Drew in the past.

The power of knowledge gives us a better understanding of ourselves and all that we can be. Knowledge also gives us a better understanding of all that exist around us and our place in it. If we don’t appreciate the fact that all things have a purpose and place on this planet; and that we must respect and appreciate all that the creator has given us. It will be a sad commentary on all of us if somebody, someday say, if only they used what we know, they knew.

The question remains, why is it that race is used to divide us? Why some for this group and none for the others. Why is every political pundit dividng the way we vote? They always examine the Black, Women, Latino, and Christian vote, to name a few groups. The issues should be weighed, and not the prognostications of what the group may think. Hopefully, we can get past the divisive ways of our past, and to realize that we all have the potential to achieve. Race should not divide us. Dr. King stated, "look at the content of my character". It is my hope that America starts to come together and that we start to heal ourselves, letting go of negative stereotypes, that the leaders of the past has fought and died for.

We need to appreciate that people like Dick Gregory, Malcolm X, John F Kennedy Jr and Fannie Lou Hamer, have all contributed to our journey, towards pursuing what we all want for our children and grandchildren. We want peace, freedom and a place where life can truly be want we desire it to be. Some call it Camelot, Some call it Heaven, and if we work together it can be America. We must do our part, even if that means just doing something much easier today, than it was in the past. VOTE!

I believe our leaders are working hard to achieve it. I have met with leaders in Congress like Rep. Jose Serrano. Who has been fighting for issues that help the everyday needs of Americans.

I had the chance to speak to many leaders in all areas of our society and have learned that you have to be sensitive to the concerns of all. We have to work together. I believe it is the creator’s great plan. We were meant to be reliant on one another. We are all blessed differently for this reason. I believe we can overcome all of the differences that divide us, we have to have hope that all can be as it should.





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People today have different explanations of what “talking the talk, and walking the walk” means. But do they really know what it means. Everyday we hear a new meaning for this expression. What does it really mean?
This old saying means a few things to me. The first thing it means is setting an example for others. You not only talk the talk, you have to walk the walk too. Showing others what you can do and that they can do it too. To me, you can’t say that you are going to do something when you’re not showing me you can do it. When you are talking the talk and walking the walk, you are showing yourself what you can do while you are still setting an example for others.
This old adage also means to me that you have to do good for others as well as yourself. This means that you help out the community like throwing Thanksgiving parties for the hungry and Christmas parties for the less fortunate kids so they can have fun and get something that they can’t afford. It also means that you should help yourself by going back to school if you didn’t finish and getting a job so that you can support your family. You don’t only have to set an example for others; you have to set an example for yourself. By then, you won’t be just talking the talk; you will be walking the walk as well.
When you just talk the talk and not walk the walk that to me is called procrastination. Nothing much but a hallow promise that does not get fulfilled. A dream that no one sees, that only you wish could someday happen without you doing much to make that dream come true. Talking the talk only gets you half way there. With no inspiration, you have to remember this, once you get the walking, no one can stop you. That is why most people talk the talk and walk the walk. No one or nothing can stop them.
Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk is a sign of brotherhood and leadership; helping out your fellow brothers in their time of need, doing what you know you should be doing, making the community a better place for people. Brotherhood is being there for your brothers and sisters and offering yourself to them as a sign of fellowship. To do for them as you would do for yourself. Taking the role of a leader and showing people the way to happiness. That, my friend, is talking the talk and walking the walk.