Monday, January 21, 2008



Thank you Martin for being the peaceful warrior and to those who struggled by your side. You truly had your eyes on the prize. Many have come and gone those who have fought the good fight. However, today we remember Dr. King. The honorable warrior, who fought for justice, equality and fairness. Martin was a man of peace, who suffered injustices and humiliations, so that one day we would be able to see the injustices, and unfairness through the lens of time and maturity; and to realize how painful it all looks to the creator.

We have to live together. We must talk to one another. We do not have the time to be first uncaring and unmoved by the conditions of the underserved and oppressed. WE must carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters, even through we have a proportionate burden of our own. The creator’s omnipotence is evidenced in our ability to be empathetic in our examination of our brother’s plight; and to be of service to our selves as well. We often have to remind ourselves that our battle is not always ours alone. We are sometimes called to do his work.

Sometimes we march on, to the song he chooses for us, to hum into battle. And yes we will over come, the creator never lets us down. Thank you Martin, your star now burns so bright that the creator had to move you into your distance. We can now see you better, as you have gained your proximity in the universe. When we gaze at your star, we can now navigate our direction into destiny, as we thank you for trailblazing the road ahead. We have our work to do as well, but always keep (you) our compass with us. The road is still a weary one, but we will overcome!

The Times Square Hustle

I seen them lining up in front of me,

And heard their thunderous roar, or was that the D,
The people looked nervous while milling about,
Then the clock struck five, and their smiles broke out,
There is nothing like Times Square, especially on a Friday night,
You just let down your hair, and all cares take flight,
The vendors are hawking, their unique New York wares,
And the hostess is directing patrons, to the tables upstairs;
Then all in one moment, energy hits the crowd,
There’s shopping and eating and singing out loud,
The Lights turns red, And people stop to think,

Should we shop now for the toys, or first go and get a drink,
The Lights turns green, again the crowd hits it stride,
Someone yells “stop walking, and do the Electric Slide”,
It seems like the crowd hits frenzy, And you can’t tell why,
But you use your New York Elbow, to make your way by,
You started off Broadway but now your definitely there,
You can feel the excitement, and smell that rarified air,
It’s not as big as you thought or bright as it seemed
It’s really made up of Legends, Magic and Dreams.
Okay we’re here, It’s Times Square.

Brad Goodwin: Original for the Poets Society, Published at bradsbeatblog.blogs