MARTIN LUTHER KING JR:LIVING THE DREAMThank you Martin for being the peaceful warrior and to those who struggled by your side. You truly had your eyes on the prize. Many have come and gone those who have fought the good fight. However, today we remember Dr. King. The honorable warrior, who fought for justice, equality and fairness. Martin was a man of peace, who suffered injustices and humiliations, so that one day we would be able to see the injustices, and unfairness through the lens of time and maturity; and to realize how painful it all looks to the creator.We have to live together. We must talk to one another. We do not have the time to be first uncaring and unmoved by the conditions of the underserved and oppressed. WE must carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters, even through we have a proportionate burden of our own. The creator’s omnipotence is evidenced in our ability to be empathetic in our examination of our brother’s plight; and to be of service to our selves as well. We often have to remind ourselves that our battle is not always ours alone. We are sometimes called to do his work.Sometimes we march on, to the song he chooses for us, to hum into battle. And yes we will over come, the creator never lets us down. Thank you Martin, your star now burns so bright that the creator had to move you into your distance. We can now see you better, as you have gained your proximity in the universe. When we gaze at your star, we can now navigate our direction into destiny, as we thank you for trailblazing the road ahead. We have our work to do as well, but always keep (you) our compass with us. The road is still a weary one, but we will overcome!
The Times Square HustleI seen them lining up in front of me,
And heard their thunderous roar, or was that the D,The people looked nervous while milling about,Then the clock struck five, and their smiles broke out,There is nothing like Times Square, especially on a Friday night,You just let down your hair, and all cares take flight,The vendors are hawking, their unique New York wares,And the hostess is directing patrons, to the tables upstairs;Then all in one moment, energy hits the crowd,There’s shopping and eating and singing out loud,The Lights turns red, And people stop to think,
Should we shop now for the toys, or first go and get a drink,The Lights turns green, again the crowd hits it stride,Someone yells “stop walking, and do the Electric Slide”,It seems like the crowd hits frenzy, And you can’t tell why,But you use your New York Elbow, to make your way by,You started off Broadway but now your definitely there,You can feel the excitement, and smell that rarified air,It’s not as big as you thought or bright as it seemed,It’s really made up of Legends, Magic and Dreams. Okay we’re here, It’s Times Square.
Brad Goodwin: Original for the Poets Society, Published at bradsbeatblog.blogs
POETS CORNERSwitching Lines- 4 to the D to the NI was just switching trains from the 4 to the D, and all of a sudden, she was in front of me;She had a pretty face short hair and beautiful eyes, but the anger in her voice caught me by surprise;She said “today is the day”, No more games, And you better move quick if you want to catch this train;We both took off running, and made it inside, right before the doors slammed shut, and we began our ride;I thought to myself, who is this girl, she looks familiar, but; “What in the World”;She started to speak, saying “Yeah today is the day” You can’t keep on looking with nothing to say;I wondered ‘what in the world’ is she talking about, She said I saw you looking at me a million times on this route,You always have this gaze like you are looking in my soul, and always look away when my eyes start to roll,You always have this look like your about to ask my name, And then someone gets in between us, who was coming from the game.“Come on stop playing”, cat and mouse in the crowd, Just tell how you feel for crying out loud;I said as polite as I could, I think I’ve seen you before, usually on the D when I get off the 4,I don’t remember staring, but, sometimes on the train, I day dream a lot, and that may explain my gaze, but if it looked like I was staring, I am sorry about that, I guess when I start to feel tired, I better pull down my hat;She said, come on, “stop playing”, her voice getting loud, I can see some heads turning within the train’s crowd;I said ‘you don’t have to play games’, “Today is the day” you see I am here in your face' and no one is getting in the way;I wrote down my number, I want you to give me a call, And, I am getting off at your stop, In the Manhattan Mall,I said, Today is the day, we would finally talk, If your too shy on a train, we can talk while we walk,I said, let me take your number, And I will give you a call, But today, I am not getting off at the Manhattan Mall,I said, I really would love, If we could be friends, But this is my stop, I have to catchthe N;When I got off the train, I could not help but look back, Her eyes met mines as her number, fell on the tracks; ......ummm here comes the N
WE HAVE A RACE, And you will make the decision. The time for super sizing your vote is coming near. Super Tuesdays are upon us and everyone is making there pitch. Barack has scored a key endorsement from them unions in Nevada. Meanwhile, Hillary has momentum after winning in New Hampshire. John McCain has new life and Romney hopes silver will turn gold. We even hear that Bloomberg is getting that old itch again, her denies it. Well, what are the chances that America gets the leader we all want to make America, that place people dream of.
Will Barack's health care package give coverage to all Americans. Will Hillary secure the homes of middle class Americans caught in the Wall street home loan fiasco. Will McCain secure the borders and make the land free, at home and aboard. Will Romney employ every citizen who seeks gainful employment. WE dream of an America that reminds us of the good ole days, except for, the inequality, discrimination, segregation, distrust, and partisan politics. You know how we thought it was.
Today, we are looking for an America that fits the true billing, fair and honest, and respected by all. Hope is in the offing for this change, and the candidates are all talking change. Some have changed their positions and others have just found some. There are candidates such as Ron Paul defending themselves from charges of racism (stemming from his newsletter) that had hateful articles about African Americans. And others defending there religious beliefs, like Romney (many believing aspects of the Mormon faith being controversial).
Americans are looking closely at the candidates during this election. People feel as though this election is very important and the choices made will be crucial. The choices are indeed very interesting and will provide us with a candidate that will have to take a stance that will, not only lead America; But, will shape the global politics into the upcoming decade. What does the future hold, war or peace? Will there be a politic of distrust and antagonisms or will the world strike a peaceful accord.
The choice will be up to us. We have a lot on the line this time, and America will have to live good or bad with its choices. The time for contemplation is upon us and we cannot afford to, just roll the dice. Well, the exception being Nevada. However, with recent events in the state, Nevada may know more than most, how important a strong leader will be needed, should calamity strike, and government assistance is needed. Yes, even in Nevada, we believe nothing will be taking for chance, we just don't know who will be beating the odds.
Brads Beat Blog: Presidential Election 2008A Political Perspective on Americas FutureThe future on American politics changed in Iowa, with Sen. Barack Obamas win in the states political caucus. The turnout of America’s youth sent a signal that a change in the political landscape may be afoot. We saw a record turnout in Iowa voters. We saw a “red” state vote democratic. We saw women voters defying pundit’s predictions, and white voters choosing to support the only African American candidate in the Presidential campaign this season, with a real chance of being elected.The Audacity of Hope! We seem to be tired of the some old business as usual in American politics. There is a new message in the air. No more lock step party politics. We want people who will do what we want them to do. The country has seemed to be this collection of cookie cut outs until Iowa 2008. We have the hope that people are voting their beliefs. Its seems most polls would predict this outcome.Americans want us out of Iraq. They want a country that provides health care. They want their children educated. They want a country that cares about the environment. We want a government accountable to the people and the ideals we care about. This is something most candidates seem to express concern about, as the presidential race speeds into high gear.The republican winner in Iowa Gov. Mike Hucklebee has stated on several occasions that people are tired of feeling as though, they are being ruled by a King instead of being lead by a servant. This sediment is popular in our culture presently. Gov. Hucklebee says the country seems to do something to us, before it does something for us. Most Americans expect our leaders to be working for us and not beholding to any special interests. We are truly looking for an outsider.The American base is changing its political roots, from democrats and republicans; and seems to be more independent in their thinking. On many occasions it seems to be hard to tell them apart anyway. The country seems to have their eyes on everybody and the candidate who brings the perspectives and ideals that promote ‘ALL’ of America’s interest most likely will prevail. The most unique paradigm in this equation is that there are no predispositions in what shape, race, gender or fashion that this candidate will emerge from.The country is making progress in a big way! If Iowa is a snapshot of the current political currents in the nation presently. The politics of old simply will not do. People want a new vision for America! that still needs to be clearly defined by the people and the candidates. Our hopes seem to be high. Let us now find the way to make this great eagle rise into the stratosphere that most of us see America as being. The leaders of humanitarian giving. Caring for the world and the people in it. Respected by our neighbors and respectful to our creator.The race for next president of America is said to be the most important election in a generation. It may be. Many people believe if we don’t fix the environmental problems we now face, that the effects of global warming will be irreversible. It is thought that if we don’t alleviate the debt ordinary Americans face, that an economic collapse is emanate. There is a health care crisis. There is a need to develop and educate the next generation of scientist, doctors and engineers. The future is upon us. We need to make the most of our opportunities today.BLOG TALKThe President and the House of Congress will America be on track. It seems like things did not change too much after the last election. Americans elected the Democratic Congress with an agenda to end the war in Iraq. The Democrats have yet to succeed in producing much change in the president’s war strategy. They have indicated that it is due to the Republicans in the Senate in which that have a slight majority. If the results are different in the next election that hope to have more support to pass legislation to promote their agenda.The hope is that all parties can coalesce around a policy that comports with the desire of America’s electorate. The country has found its way into a dilemma that all parties seem to have qualms with. The rationale for us being there has changed on numerous occasions and the end seems far from some time that’s expeditious. The countries resources could surely be spent in a more productive effort. The time for cooperation and mutual determinations has passed us by.The next president and both houses of congress need to be on the same page after this election. It seems like so much is at stake and need to be accomplished, during the next few years. The president and the house should not arrive at the type of gridlock, which prevents the effective and efficient development of policies, which America is in desperate need of.IN SERVICE TO A KINGThe month of January is a time when many of us remember a great American leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It seems fitting to take this moment to give praise and honor to such a courage and inspirational man. On the heels of the historic win that Sen. Obama had in Iowa, it is not without a struggle that we achieve the dream of mutual respect and cooperation. The assassins shot that took a great leader from us 40 years ago this week, did not take away the dream that was realized by Sen. Obama days earlier. The only African American candidate competing in the democratic primary/ caucus in Iowa won. With the state’s population being 93% white most people were unsure if a black man could actually win in a state with such a small minority electorate. The answer was something Dr. King’s protege the Rev. Jesse Jackson must have said when he heard of the election results. “KEEP HOPE ALIVE”I believe it should be our goal, in service to the great legacy that Dr. King left behind; that we keep his ideals and vision for a free and just America alive. We should not become complacent in our commitment for standards and equality that we want for ourselves and that of our children. We must always remember his vision of equality and that we are yet to achieve it as a society. We must realize that it is not only questionable, if America is ready to elect a black man; many are unsure if we Americans will elect a white women.Dr. King had the hope that our strengths would be our diversity. It was not just a dream, but a vision of love that would overcome the darkness of hate and discrimination. Our ideals and our humanity must super cede those who would do us harm. It is by our example, which the world will learn. If we can demonstrate freedom and equality here, how could we be planting the seeds of enduring freedom around this world?Let us keep our hopes and our dreams alive. We must remember to keep a heart and to remember the struggles that people, have endured to gain acceptance and equality. The road ahead is still rough and laden with uncharted twist and turns. However, it is with much thanks and gladness that we had, the great Rev. Dr Martin Luther King, to pave the way, and make straight the path, that gives the dreamers a vision of what this world could truly be, if we give peace and love a chance.THE POETS CORNERI thought I might lose my soul if I said nothing; I have always been a fighter and have stood my ground.There have been so many messages in my mind, to stop battling every injustice, you have so many responsibilities you must meet; but still my heart pounds.They question my resolve and are unsure of my actions,The hell with them, they will not take my passion.I love my struggle, and the wisdom of my creator, Imagine if it was all so easy?What would I have learned?How could my passions burn!I love my spiritual position, when the enemies attack, I expand my wings, and I climb beyond their reach, under the Mornings Glorious Star,They are waiting for me’ I heard “There You Are”They whispered rise a little higher, And fly within there sight, I want them to see your wings, In the Glory of Our Light.BradCLUB NEW YORKThe New York Knicks, I still love them. Make some shots though, and fans don’t blame Isaiah, he has not missed a shot this season. I missed taking my son to our first basketball game together, last year when I got sick. I had tickets to see the Dallas Maverick’s game, so my wife took him instead. The Knicks lost but they enjoyed their first game together.I have since recovered and was able to take him to the game a couple of days ago against the Sacramento Kings. They lost but I enjoyed my night with my son, we really bonded. I prayed that we would have that time together. I believe you had other stories, just like this in Madison Square Garden that night. Thanks New York Knicks, for making the game do what it do. Now, make some more shots!New York Giants- Good luck SundayThat’s sports!
The time has come for remembrance, respect and honor. A king was born and a hope was seen. It was more of a vision, a message and dream.
The day of change and renewed spirits are heard from across the land; We need a purpose and a vision to keep us walking hand in hand'
life's journey a step a choice, a trust; It was more women like Ms. Parks and Movements on a bus; Oh, how we miss them now, leaders of worlds;
An example for freedom and from which a new wind twirls, Across the land a new wind is felt. As emotions are shown and old criticisms melt.
Alas, Alas I hear the sparrow sing, its reminds me of Jazz, But with that New Jack Swing; He may unite the country and most of the earth, Let us treasure the day of his coming birth..............