Saturday, May 3, 2008


Are you showing love to the universe? Is the universe pouring out its blessings to you? You must think about these questions sometimes. I ask it because the two are connected. We all have heard the phrase you give what you get. We sometimes give a lot and don’t see an immediate return. The universe seldom will not yield its fruit after sufficient nourishment and care has been provided to the seeds that she provides. The giver must be patience and willing to reap sparingly at times. However, loves does not fail. The power of love is great.

The universe is constantly changing and expanding, as are we. Sometimes we all can use help and guidance from others in order to make our way. The creator is the one to turn to. He lives in us, as we struggle to let him shine through. We become lost within our own wants and desires. It is often hard to be still and to listen to the universe speaking. However, sometimes we get our thoughts and feelings right sometimes, as if out of thin air? I hope this message finds the cord in you that it is meant to strike. I am sure it will!; as I cannot claim to be writing this myself. I decided that I needed to resume my blogging and would start by writing what came to me first. I believe the universe is at hand.

As I indicated before, love never fails. The universe said start here. So I decided to listen. I believe I just got the message as well. Listen to you heart. Listen to your soul as it speaks. You may be surprised at the success that you receive as a result. With these I bid you peace. Please take the time to comment on this blog.


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