Saturday, March 22, 2008

The "Right Conversation"

The controversy continues as people have been drawn into the discourse of Rev. Wright’s statements. There has been a historic speech given about race relations in this country, and a subsequent endorsement by Gov. Richardson. The Governor called him a special man for these times. President Clinton and Governor Richards have been sounding the bell of peace at this time as well. The negative commentary seems to be getting to all in the Democratic Party. The time for unity amongst all of the candidates are needed.

Although Senator McCain has been in the news for making a few gaffes regarding foreign policies, .Sen. McCain has been above the fray for the most part. There is enough negativity to go around, and it seems that many news outlets have been doing their part in promoting it. I believe the nation is ready for a conversation that is in tune with our national interest. The conversation regarding race in this country is needed. It is being discussed however, out of context. The news outlets should produce forums that cover the issues concerning African Americans in a broader context.

There are some issues that concern particular ethic groups more than others. However, there are many issues that affect us all, and we should be discussing those. Many Americans are losing their homes. The mortgage crisis is getting out of hand. Many Americans are seeing no solution to the problem, and have started to burn down their homes, thinking that their insurance coverage could be a way out. Many have lost jobs, and the economy seems to be collapsing. The financial markets have been in trouble, and many fixes had to be use to stabilize the market. Many Americans have been without healthcare for too long.

American businesses are feeling as though they are being overlooked for business contracts, from our government, to companies abroad. Americans are now unsure if their personal information is safe from wondering eyes who are working in the government and who should be protecting us. I am looking forward to the discussion on issues like these. If Americans have legitimate questions regarding the thoughts and beliefs of the candidates, then they should be asked and we should listen to the candidate’s response.

America’s leader is placed in a very hard position. We know no one is perfect and we always ask them to be. We know that they are human and will occasional misspeak. We have to separate out the nonsense from the needed knowledge to make an informed decision. There is no wonder why world leaders have stated that America has lost its magic. It may be that the nonsense gets too much play. The real issues are not being addressed; with the spirit and tenacity, that all Americans display, regardless of race or financial situation, when times are hard. We should not have a throw any problem under the bus approach, as it really does not reflect our values

There has been a lot of wrongs in Americas past, as well as many statements like Rev. Wrights’. There is enough anger and resentment for us all. Will there be a time of reconciliation? This is what many Americans have hoped for. It may be the “Change’ that people have been looking for in Obama’s candidacy. No matter who wins or lose in this election, it will be up to us to build the America we are looking for. The Change America needs will began with us.
